Ask any painters in Melbourne what their ideal job would be? They would unanimously answer new interior painting work! This superb brand new 4 bedroom family home was the perfect house painting project in Kew, VIC as it combined a stylish, open and modern home with a beautiful off white colour throughout.
Scope of work
The scope of work required interior painting to all the ceilings, walls, doors, architraves and skirting throughout the entire house.
All surfaces were painted with one coat of undercoat and two coats of top coat paint.
The colour selected was Dulux Whisper White and it was applied to all surfaces.
The preparation involved:
- Filling all nail holes and plaster dents.
- Caulking all gaps along skirting and architraves.
- A light sand of all woodwork.
- Undercoating all plaster surfaces, skirting, doors and architraves.
- All walls were lightly sanded to remove any plaster dags.
The ceilings were painted in a flat acrylic and the walls were painted in a washable low sheen acrylic.
All the doors, skirting and architraves were painted in a semi gloss enamel paint.
The handrails were coated four times with a clear semi gloss varnish.
Colour Scheme
The owner selected the same colour scheme throughout the entire house, which is becoming a popular choice for interior painting works.
When clients ask for advice with colour selection, I always suggest to them that the best possible way of knowing what colour suits your home environment, is to purchase a sample pot and apply the colour to different rooms of the house.
The reason I suggest this is so they will see how the one colour varies in different light conditions.
What looks good in the Lounge with a lot of sunlight may look different in the Bedroom with poor sunlight, therefore more than one different coloured sample pot is advised to see what colour best works in your house.
Below you will find a photo gallery of the completed interior painting of this Kew home and the various rooms.